“A city is more than a place in space,
it is a drama in time”
Patrick Geddes

Paua Planning can determine quickly if your site is suitable to subdivide. From simple residential subdivisions to complex multi-lot development projects, we can manage the entire process.

Got a bright idea? Land-use resource consents include residential, commercial, industrial, open space, recreational, coastal and temporary applications. Paua Planning have prepared and/or assessed applications for new dwellings that infringe planning controls such as maximum height and yards as well as alterations to existing dwellings including decks, additions, minor dwelling units. In addition we have successfully assisted clients gaining resource consent to operate childcare centres, home occupations, surf lifesaving facilities and multi use development.

Specialized Consents
Coastal Consents?
Public or limited notification required?
Outline Plan of Works required?
Variation to Conditions?
Extension of Time?
Paua Planning will take care of it all.

Planning Advice
Want to undertake a new project but don’t have the time to fight red tape? Paua Planning can handle the complete resource consent process for you – pre-purchase planning advice and research, pre-application meeting, specialist input, assessment of effects, council hearings – all of it!

Paua Planning have worked alongside Council and consulted with New Zealand Transport Authority (NZTA) on large scale infrastructure projects, assessing the impact of geotechnical earthworks, vegetation removal, coastal and estuarine environments, habitat protection and enhancement. Liaising with local iwi, the Historic Places Trust and gathering specialist input are all part of the process.
Kate Madsen
Director/Principal Planner
Kate has over 25 years’ experience working for both Council and private consultancies in a variety of planning roles including transport, monitoring, social and environmental impact reporting, policy planning and resource consents. Paua Planning was established in 2007 by Kate and husband Karl, with the intent of providing top quality resource consent services to land developers within Auckland’s burgeoning residential and commercial markets. In addition, Paua Planning is a preferred supplier of resource consent processing services to Auckland Council – in Rodney, North Shore, Waitakere and Central areas.
Kate’s key strengths include confident leadership, collaborative and strategic management and definitive decision making skills. Overall, it is the client’s development dream that Kate wants to champion through the regulatory system, achieving excellent outcomes in a timely manner. Full member – NZPI & RMLA
Phone: 09 442 2959 Mobile: 021 944 583
Email: kate@pauaplanning.co.nz
The Team
Paua, or abalone, is a highly sought after natural resource, and an important contributor to New Zealand’s distinctive environment. Our team are here as an expert resource to help maximise your development opportunities – talk to us now via mobile or email
Karl Madsen
Director & Project Manager
Karl is joint director of Paua Planning. His background is in amenity horticulture, landscaping, farming and project management. He brings a vast experience in both local government and private contracts and has the ability to manage just about any project with authority and strategic common sense. Karl is able to problem solve and think on his feet, negotiating and communicating with ease. His personable approach to both people and situations have proven invaluable time and again.
Mobile: 021 676 748
Email: karl@pauaplanning.co.nz
Jo Pelan
After graduating with a Bachelor of Planning from Auckland University, Jo worked as a planner at Auckland City for four years before heading overseas for a few years in both the UK and the US. During her time with Auckland Council, Jo gained extensive knowledge of resource consent processing in a variety of sectors and since joining the Paua Planning team in 2016 she has relished the opportunity to use her experience and knowledge of resource consent processing to help people achieve their development goals.
Jo enjoys working with people and making the world of planning accessible to non-planners.
Mobile: 021 703 637
Email: jo@pauaplanning.co.nz
“Kate and the team at Paua Planning have made the planning aspects of our projects an absolute breeze, I’m always happy to refer my clients to them as I know they’ll get the best outcome possible.”
- Erik Nielsen, Director, CADViz Ltd
“Paua Planning were incredibly professional, with great service, advice and attitudes. These qualities helped us achieve an optimal result in our projects.”
- Ronnie Yong, Director, Proarch Design Ltd
“Kate has a thorough knowledge of Council operations, procedures and policies and is able to pre-empt and resolve any possible issues before they arise. Planning reports are specific and detailed making it easier for the Council planners to fully understand the project and aiding in Resource Consent being granted.”
- Brendan Coghlan, Director, Coastal Properties Ltd